A managed record is any record being monitored for changes. The count is determined by the sync filters:
- "Existing and future data" or "Future data only" → Billed based on the highest number of records actively managed in a month. Restarting a sync does not increase managed records.
- "Existing data only" → Billed based on the largest number of records synced in a month, as this sync does not actively monitor changes.
We don’t double bill—if you have 100 records syncing between two apps, we count it as 100 records, not 200. We also don’t charge extra for line items, so product variations or invoice line items under the same record won’t increase your record count.
Records are billed based on the total unique items in sync, regardless of how many times they are updated or synced.
For integrations that support it, "Record Tracking Time Frame" helps control managed records by limiting them to a specific time range (e.g., last 6 months). This feature reduces the number of records being managed, giving users another way to optimize their usage.